TTCセミナー「Social impacts on IoT innovation in ITS」開催報告
TTCコネクテッド・カー専門委員会では、国際標準化機関の連携(CITS:Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards)、自動運転を支える最新技術や課題、米国における自動運転への取組の最新情報を国内外の第一線で活動される方々よりご紹介頂くセミナーを開催しました。
開催日時 | 2017年10月13日(金)14:00~17:00 |
開催場所 |
一般社団法人情報通信技術委員会(TTC) 2階 A・B会議室
東京都港区芝公園1-1-12 芝公園電気ビル【MAP】 |
主 催 | 一般社団法人情報通信技術委員会(TTC) コネクテッド・カー専門委員会 |
参加者数 | 50名 |
時刻 | 講演内容 | 講演者 |
Opening Address
Mr. Yasubumi Chimura
Chairman of TTC Working Group on Connected Car Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. |
Introduction to Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards (CITS)
This presentation provides the information on the activities of CITS, a mechanism for coordination and collaboration among SDOs and Forums working on ITS communication standardization.
Mr. Yushi Naito
Vice-chairman of TTC WG on Connected Car Co-chairman, CITS, ITU-T Senior Technical Advisor, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
Level 4 based “Mobility as a Service” will transform the Car Industry
Due to the recent development of Deep Learning, software will start to drive a car instead of a human being and realize self-driving within next 2-3 years. When totally connected with the Cloud, those sensor-equipped self-driving cars, mostly EVs, will make a three-layered network of Information, Transportation and Energy. There is still a possibility that car companies continue to manage the industry but there are additional chances for new comers to take the top of the new industrial pyramid.
Mr. Tsuguo Nobe
Chief Advanced Service Architect and Director, Intel K.K. |
Activities for Utilization of CLAS (Centimeter Level Augmentation Service) from Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
In this presentation, after briefly introducing principal of satellite navigation and overview of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) including Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS), utilization of High Precision Navigation Positioning is explained.
For High Precision Navigation Positioning, CLAS is provided from QZSS. Various applications using CLAS and principal of CLAS are introduced. To utilize CLAS, CLAS Receiver and 3D Digital Map are indispensable. Line up of CLAS Receiver and present status of 3D Digital Map are also reported. |
Dr. Hiroshi Koyama
Executive Fellow, Electrical Systems Group, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
Update on ITS and Highly Automated Driving in the U.S.
This presentation reviews highlights of development efforts toward highly automated driving (HAD). In a field with many overly optimistic promises, some vehicle manufacturers and other companies have prudently recast their commitments and reorganized their efforts. In the meantime, progress is being made to address the complex and difficult technical and business problems that stand in the way of realizing HAD. In addition to improved sensor fusion and input to vehicle control processes, supporting technologies such as road data and cyber-security are taking shape.
Mr. T. Russell Shields
Chairman of CITS Chaire of Ygomi LLC |
Q & A, Discussion
Moderator: Mr. Yushi Naito
Closing Address
Mr. Yoichi Maeda
CEO & S.V.P., TTC |