JT-Y1221(E) - The difference between TTC JT-Y1221 and ITU-T Y.1221 Traffic control and congestion control in IP based networks (The English Edition) ドキュメント体系 標準(英訳版) ドキュメントNo JT-Y1221(E) 日本語タイトル The difference between TTC JT-Y1221 and ITU-T Y.1221 Traffic control and congestion control in IP based networks (The English Edition) 英語タイトル The difference between TTC JT-Y1221 and ITU-T Y.1221 Traffic control and congestion control in IP based networks (The English Edition) 版数 1 技術区分 NGN 制定日 2013/03/27 担当専門委員会 NGN&FN PDF サマリ Word